Wednesday, March 4, 2015

J A P A N ♡ Part one.

As you have probably noticed by now, it has been 100% impossible for me to sit down and write about my trip to Japan. I am not quite sure why, but for now I will just blame the extreme lack of competence I had to deal with at the school where I took the courses I just finished a week or two ago. It has worn me down, really. And The Swedish Winter has not exactly done wonders for my stress levels and general mood either. 

Now that I think of it, I do kind of know why it has taken me so long to get this done. I want to do my memories justice with this post. It can not be half-assed, because that would irritate me so much I would not be able to move on with my life. I want the pictures to be sharp and have nice color and contrast, which requires a lot of plowing through 587365876587465847 pictures and picking out the ones I want to keep, not to mention edit them and put them into folders... Maybe you get why I, who lately have felt like I have no reason to get out of bed because life has been too much, have not felt like it? 

This is not for the sake of anyone else, this is all on me. I had been dreaming about going to Japan since I was about 11, it was fucking awesome, pardon my French. If I were to just spit out a boring post with dull pictures, it would be like betraying my own damn memories. I want to be nice to my memories now that I am finally ready to let go and share them with you. And yes, I am also a perfectionist, who can spend hours on the tiniest of details, until a boiling point is reached and the mission is abandoned in an angry outburst.

As the great Ron Swanson once said; Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing. This post shall now be whole-assed.

I will not complicate things as much, though. I will let the pictures speak for themselves and add something where I have something to add. 

I will split this great adventure into a few parts, not sure how many, but some things need more space! Starting here may be a bit odd, considering this even took place during our second week in Sushi land, but I had fun editing the pictures so I just thought, why not? So here goes; 

T O K Y O ♡ D I S N E Y L A N D 

Ask any of my friends, and they will tell you I must be part alien, because I grew up without the classic Disney movies. The morning we headed off to Disneyland, my dear, dear roomies had kept me up all night, someone had been smoking right outside our window, also all night, my head was exploding and that week of the month was a little bit too close. This, combined with the whole I-must-be-part-alien, why-should-I-spend-copious-amounts-of-money-when-I-do-not-even-like-Disney, was not good. I do not think I have ever been so rude to friends' friends in my entire life (I am so sorry). I slept on the train instead of introducing myself and did not open my eyes until we switched trains. Both because I literally could not keep my eyes open, and because I did not want to open them. I felt as though I would tear the first person I saw apart if I did.

Exaggerating to illustrate just how horrible I was. Again, I am so sorry.

Disneyland reminded me of something important - Winnie The Pooh, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse. My childhood heroes. And of course, Pixar is a part of Disney now. I ate a turkey leg and it was delicious, so thank you for that, Toy Story and Pixar.

Of course it was simply gorgeous as well.


I bought myself a Pooh bear and Space Mountain was out of this world (pun intended). The Nightmare Before Christmas haunted house was incredible. Emma was dressed up as Mickey Mouse and Emilia as Minnie Mouse. Mickey was a ladies' man, and a real one at that. "There's enough Mickey for all the ladies" was a sentence I heard more than once, followed by a seductive wink and a pat on my shoulder.

Apparently Christmas came to Disneyland in November, so the whole area was decorated. I also accidentally snapped an incredibly romantic picture of a cute anonymous couple who just happened to be in the way.

I brightened up eventually. I think I just needed an hour or two to myself - living with other people, no matter how cozy it can be, really shows me just how much I value my quiet alone time and personal space. Which is why I started out grumpy, and also why I left an hour or so before the rest of the group. 

But I did make sure to eat popcorn and help Mickey take gigolo pictures by a fountain in the darkness before I left. Disneyland at night is the best. 

And of course I stayed for the light show!

In retrospect, I am very happy I went, despite not feeling super at first. I have a new sleeping buddy now and speaking of which, a new dramatic story about that sleeping buddy, but I will leave that for now because this post is already very, very long, even though it mostly consists of pictures.

I will always treasure this great day I got to spend with my favorite people, and I few new faces I wish I had been nicer to! (Again, I am so sorry.)

If a friend of mine ever happen to read this; I love you very much and thank you for the awesome day hunbun. ♡


  1. Wow, I wish I could go there aswell :O Looks amazing X)

    1. I hope you will get the chance! Rooting for ya.

  2. I think it is a challenge to go to Disneyland when you hardly had any contact points but it's great you did anyway and I'm happy you could enjoy it after all.
    The pictures are really beautiful.
    I'm also kind of jealous because when I was there last March they canceled the light show because of the weather or something...

    1. I'm happy too -! I'm sad they canceled the light show, it really was something. Hopefully you'll get a second chance!

  3. Oh, god...

    Helt. Amazing. Bilder. Är så avundsjuka på er just nu. Japan verkar vara ett helt underbart land bara att döma ifrån de berättelser man hört ifrån folk som varit där, som nästan beskrivit att åka dit som ett av de bästa valen de gjort i deras liv.

    Tack för att du skrev det här, Iro, tror många har väntat på det ^^ Kan inte klandra dig för att ha väntat ett tag med det dock, är också rätt petig av mig. Tänker såhär; ska man göra något ska man göra det fullt ut eller inte alls, annars är det bara onödigt. Så, snyggt jobbat och var stolt.


    1. Ahhh vad kul att du skrev!! Du var så himla trevlig, hoppas du ser det här trots att jag svarar så sent. Om du vill ta en fika någon gång så hojta (hoppas du inte tycker att jag är konstig nu haha)! ♡

      Och tack så hemskt mycket, dina ord betyder mycket! Du är himla snäll verkligen.

    2. Oh shit, hade missat det här totalt. Kul att du svarade och kul initiativ :D Ses gärna mene.. det får typ bli efter jag kommit hem (är i Spanien atm), kan peta till dig när jag kommit hem!

    3. Skriver här först och hoppas att du ser det. Kommer hem imorgon!

  4. I'm glad you felt better during the day! and wow those pictures are amazing, you are a good photographer! Can't wait to read more oh these japan posts from you!♡ I'm going to japan myself this summer, it has been a childhood dream for me as well ^-^♡

    1. Thank you! I saw your comment on the second post, you're so nice. ♡ I hope you'll have fun when you go (trust me, you will)!
