Saturday, September 1, 2012

Life at my new school

Time to tell the tale of the magical place that is my new school, G2. 

It's a an ordinary high school that basically looks like an abandoned factory from the outside and is like Narnia on the inside. I'm not even kidding, but more on that later. Apart from the Narnia-part, it's pretty much a regular high school. Kids between the ages of 16-18, lockers, classrooms, so on. Anyway.

In Swedish high schools, each class has a different orientation/focus with courses assigned to that orientation. Like a major. So there are classes like swedish, english, math, all the regular stuff, and on top of that art students have art, florist students learn and work with flowers and music students write songs. And hairdressers like me obviously have hairdressing-classes. 

Right now we're learning how to hold the scissors. 

Our first homework; sit in front of the mirror and practice so you only move your thumb when cutting.
Ridiculously entertaining. 

The salons we work in are super nice too ♫ The whole school is being remodeled so everything is fresh and new. We'll be taking customers in here once we're good enough to actually attack human beings. 

The pic to the left is from the salon. It's still a little messy with the furniture, but almost done! 

The pic to the right is from this place called "Här". It's a shop exclusively for hairdressers where you can get all these things you can't find anywhere else. Like the haircolors. Look at the haircolors. I seriously didn't know what to do, just went around drowning everything in tears of joy. 

Seriously, the benefits and things the students get from this school... It's crazy. First it's the shopping place. We also got a MacBook air (a lease, but we get to buy it for like 1000 SEK when we graduate) and a bag packed with tools. 

2 scissors, 5 brushes, 4 combs, 1 knife, 6 big hairclips, around 2000 hairpins, 1 toolbelt, probably something else I forgot and some scissor oil. 

I want to keysmash so badly just writing about it, haha. 

Really, it already seems like a great school. The teachers are beyond great and the other personnel too. Of course, since it's quite far from the inner city and most people that live out here are wealthy, I do stand out a lot. The first day of school people stared at me like they hadn't seen a human being before. My friend Marijela, who's in her third year, told me her classmates talked so much trash about me after seeing me. I couldn't care less. People are so narrow minded it's embarrassing. It only makes me want to dress even more extreme to show them no matter what I will always hold my head high and set a good example by smiling and being polite. 

Truth be told, I'm only there for the education. If my classmates are nice and I make a few friends, that's always nice. But if I don't, then it doesn't matter. Since I've already passed two years of high school with straight A's in all the basic courses like swedish, english and history for example, I will only be there for at the most two classes a day. My classmates are very nice though, so it won't even be something worth thinking about, but still. 

It's kind of nice for once feeling like I really can do this. I look forward to learning and moving on from the past year, which has been horrible, to be honest. 

So it's an awesome start. Even more awesome because of this; 
You walk through this corridor, a regular, old, boring corridor, and you open that little door you see at the end... 

...and you end up here. 

A little village with classical swedish cottages, trees, streets and even a water pump. 

This isn't a very good picture to capture all of it, I didn't have much time so it had to be this or nothing. Still. Freaking Narnia. Classes are held in all these little houses. The principal lives in the yellow one. And my face the first time we walked in here can not be described. 

That's about it for this time! I'm so looking forward to three years at this place. Even though my classmates are two years younger, I have to go three years instead of the one year I had left in artschool, and yada yada, it's so worth it. Happy Saga is happy. 

Wish anyone who's reading this all the niceness and positive energy! Goodnight until next time ♥


  1. Whoah, so beautiful! I wish we had these kind of resources in my country--we really get a late start on our careers because of our lack of choices in high school.

    And psh, people will stare at first because they don't know you--once they actually learn about your personality they'll shut right up.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that! I guess that's the case here too though, depending on what major you pick. I will probably get a job straight away when I graduate, but I'm retaking all three years because I made the wrong decision when i was 15. You just don't know what you want in the future at that age.

      And thank you for that! I hope you're right ♥

  2. oh wow this school looks so amazing! thats such a sweet and clever idea to make a school like this *u* omg <3

    1. I know right! It's wonderful! I'm so happy I got accepted ♪( ´▽`)

  3. I'm so glad you are enjoying your new school! A magical person such as yourself deserves a magical school!! People were probably staring out of jealousy as you're so beautiful!!! Also, well done for getting straight As- you must have worked hard! Anyway, keep up the good work~

    1. Aw sweetheart, you always make me smile when you write me! Thank you ♥ I think I'm okay with being an alien though so I don't mind if people stare because they think I'm weird. It's kind of fun annoying them, weird as it may sound.

  4. Your new school is so damn amazing *_* I'm so jealous, here in Italy all the schools suck ahah

    I hope you'll have a wonderful school life dear *w*

    1. Aw I'm sure it's not that bad! There are a loooot of downsides to swedish schools too... i just think I got lucky this time! Wish you all the goodness~♥

  5. wow, your school seems really cool.

    And people that don't care about what others think and just does their thing anyway are the coolest<3

    1. Thank you times two! ♥ that's really encouraging to hear~ everyone should be proud of themselves.

  6. Så mysigt det ser ut!
    Jag har en fråga, och jag skulle bli jätteglad om du svarade! På din tumblr såg jag ett halsband du och Jözz hade på er, det var en kedja med ett flertal lila kors. Vart har du fått tag på det? Jag har letat överallt men hittar inget ;u;
    Jag inspireras så mycket av dig så jag skulle verkligen uppskatta ett svar!
    Best wishes, chu ;3;

    1. Men herregud, tack så mycket! Vad gullig du är~ självklart svarar jag, haha!
      Det är faktiskt inte mitt halsband, lånade det av min vän emilia när jözz och jag twinnade och för något photoshoot. Men det är från monomania i alla fall! Kolla deras hemsida, så kan du köpa via shopping service om det fortfarande finns kvar. Annars kan du nog hitta liknande på ebay!

      Ha det bra ♥

  7. Wow, this place looks so beautiful, it's so unreal like from a movie! *-* Lucky you for getting to study there and of course I'm happy for you! :3

  8. Wow you new school looks great! Getting your new tools must be sooo cool! :D
    Don't worry about those silly people, you look lovely and are you own person, and for some people they just need to get used to seeing such a striking style, but as you say just get as much education as you can from there :D xx

    1. It is!
      Well I'm not worried about them at all, I'm just so happy about the teachers and the classes I can't be bothered. As long as my classmates are nice! Thank you though, you are very sweet! ♥

  9. That is a beautiful school! And you're quite young! I didn't know :D that makes me happy. I'm glad you appreciate the beautiful wonderful school you attend. Learn as much as you can! And good job for being you no matter what! Sounds like you're doing great! Schools in the USA aren't nearly as nice so I'm happy for you!

    1. I'll be eighteen soon so I guess I'm quite young, haha ( ^ ^) Thank you, I will! ♥ Hope you're having a good day!

  10. Hej! Såg att mint postade ditt inlägg om vitt hår på sin facebook så tittade in då jag hade tänkt att skaffa vitt hår! Sen blev jag förstås nyfiken på vem du var så jag tittade runt här och snubblade över det här inlägget och tänkte då jag såg första bilden "Ah coolt! Hon läser säkert till frisör!" sen scrollade jag vidare och kände direkt igen mig! Jag har precis tagit studenten efter att ha läst på G2! Så...Jag vet inte vad det var jag ville komma fram till men...Jag tyckte det var lite kul n_n' Speciellt med tanke på vilken liten skola G2 är :3

    1. Men gud, haha, ja det var verkligen kul! Älskar verkligen skolan redan nu! Lärarna speciellt är helt underbara! ( ^ ^)♫♡

  11. hej jag började precis läsa din blogg och såg det här inlägget, tycker att det är lite kul eftersom jag börjar på G2 imorgon i stylist klassen i 1:an, jag tycker att det är ganska kul att se att någon annan som gillar harajuku stilen också går på G2! men jag såg att du bara går några av ämnena och undrade om du kankse ville berätta vilka eftersom jag kommer att ha dem flesta lektioner tillsammans med frisörklassen! ^.^ ♡ tror även att det va dig jag såg på japan loppisen i Hallonbergen den 19 oktober, men jag är inte helt säker om det va dig jag såg!
