Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Crafting times & piles of ribbons

Moving on from that rather embarrassing mental breakdown I last blogged about, here's a more positive post! Hello again, dear blog and dear readers. For weeks now, I've been trying to just blog about my everyday life. Thing is though, whenever I sit down to write something, I realize...

My life is so far from interesting it makes me want to punch my own face.

It's not like I don't do anything, I do get quite a lot done, but I haven't had any routines whatsoever and all days have just sort of merged together, so even though I know I do a lot of stuff, I don't really remember what I've been up to, unless I sit down and go "think, think" Winnie the Pooh style. So I figured, maybe it's a good idea to actually write more, so I don't end up in bed with midnight angst and questions about what I'm doing with my life. Things like that.

Now do you promise you'll do this Saga? Yes? Okay good. Let's start right away!

Recently I've been busy sending out my resumé to various different places, spent time with friends and so on. Apart from the friends-part this is really boring so not going to write about that. What I will be doing is more fun though~!

I see a lot of crafting coming in the future weeks, which feels really good ♪ I'm always in a good mood when I craft and spend time doing creative things (and sleeping a lot)! I have tanktops to print and headbands to make, also I'm going to start working on my very first cosplay. Now that's not really crafting, but it's creative work that will lead to crafting so it's worth mentioning. Maybe I'll do some knitting too now that I think of it? Hm.

I'll hopefully be crafting a lot with Emilia (at least she'll have to help me with my cosplay, I do know how to sew but I have a feeling I will end up bleeding and screaming if I don't get some guidelines from someone who really knows how to do it) which I did yesterday!

I helped her sew these awesome "Bubblegum bitch" and "Mahou shoujo"  pin badges for the Japanese flea market in May. She posted a picture of them on picture here → seriously look at them they're like heaven in a pin badge. 

Oh, and we randomly walked by this crazy store when out shopping for ribbons;

It was like this from floor to ceiling! A ribbon store that looks like it's located in Diagon Alley! 

There was only a square meter in the middle of the store that you could move around on, even the cash register was hidden under piles and piles of boxes with ribbons, so you had to walk behind it to pay for your things!

We had already bought a ton of ribbons at another store, but when we walked by and got a glimpse of the store through the window - which was also as packed with crap and tazzles as the rest of the wonderful store - we just had to go inside. We found some nice cross- and angel-print satin ribbons too, so it was all win win.

The rest of the day and evening we spent on Emilia's floor, sewing, drinking around 5 pots of tea, and being really bitter talking about bitter things. Not so very kawaii but oh my god, it's so nice to be bitter with people that wants to be bitter with you.

Bitter-chans for life.

Now I said this would be a positive post, so I'll suppress my bitter side and end this just in case. Not that I'm very bitter today, but still. Sitting in my sunny livingroom right now, feels like this will be a good day!

Oh that's right; Spring has finally come to Sweden. I can't even. The years of suffering is over.
Not kidding, when you live here "Winter is coming" is actually a real threat, every year.

Anyway, now I'll have my breakfast tea like the old lady I am.
Hope everyone will have a nice day, wherever you are!

Goodbye and hugs and kisses and you know the deal ♥ over and out!


  1. Awww, nice to hear something from you again ^_^. I am so wondering..."drinking tea" isn't a codeword for something other, ist it?XD

    Anyway...pleeeaaase tell us who you want to cosplay ! I bet it will bet awesome!

    1. HAHA WHAT COULD IT BE A CODEWORD FOR I automatically think you assume tea is code for drugs or sex oh my god what is wrong with me, I have a very non kawaii mind. Hrm. NO we're actually drinking tea XD southern tea! Super yummy!

      Like I wrote on the comment below, I don't think I want to say in case I end up not going through with it ; u ;

  2. Ughhh. I wish it was sunny here... Winter started all over again in Austria! IT'LL SNOW UNTIL MAY! /dies

    I'm just wondering: What are you going to cosplay?

    1. Know that feel SIGH you never know with Sweden either, just hoping it'll stay this way... Hmmmmmmmmm I don't know if I want to say because if I fail and end up not doing it it'll be embarrassing XD

  3. oh wow! :D those pins are so amazing x3
    I love the way you write sweetie, you write so well! ^^ The winnie the Pooh reference made me smile x3 hehe
    I think you are an interesting person, this entry was really nice! :D

    1. I know aren't they! They're awesome >< Gonna put one on my backpack with wings, eep! And thank you so much, since I like writing that is really nice to hear ; u ; You sure are an interesting person as well sweetie ♥
